monday, november 20th, 2023

my last blog post was made three days before i got into a pretty severe car crash that i was lucky enough to walk away from with only minor injuries. i thought a lot about what i want to share on this blog instead of keeping in my brain. one of those things is my teeny weeny watercolor sketchbook:

showing off my singular windsor & newton gouache paint tube#flex

most of these were done over the summer. i wish i could have painted more during the leaf season, but my accident was maybe one out of ten really stressful life events that happened during october, so i think i'm going to give myself a little slack.

i'm not sure what to say here other than i still feel really similar to my last update, but i'll at least try to make some art again soon... it makes me upset to think that things could have ended so quickly and i still haven't made everything i want to yet. if i'm lucky enough to keep on going i have much more i want to do.

thank you so much for reading and supporting my website!

back home?

monday, november 20th, 2023

my last blog post was made three days before i got into a pretty severe car crash that i was lucky enough to walk away from with only minor injuries. i thought a lot about what i want to share on this blog instead of keeping in my brain. one of those things is my teeny weeny watercolor sketchbook:

showing off my singular windsor and gouache paint tube#flex

most of these were done over the summer. i wish i could have painted more during the leaf season, but my accident was maybe one out of ten really stressful life events that happened during october, so i think i'm going to give myself a little slack.

i'm not sure what to say here other than i still feel really similar to my last update, but i'll at least try to make some art again soon... it makes me upset to think that things could have ended so quickly and i still haven't made everything i want to yet. if i'm lucky enough to keep on going i have much more i want to do.

thank you so much for reading and supporting my website!