wednesday, october 18th, 2023

ack! i did not mean to abandon this site for so long... i'm at a really busy point in my life, and anything creative i used to do has gone on the backburner and fried to a crisp. art that used to take me a day is being stretched out over weeks as i only have a bit of time at the end of the day to work on it, and my motivation for just about anything else has dried up completely...

i can't see this situation changing soon. art takes so much energy in my brain that even when i do have the free time, i'm too exhausted. if you see me post anything regularly in the next year or so, i think it will be a miracle.

until next time...

back home?

wednesday, october 18th, 2023

ack! i did not mean to abandon this site for so long... i'm at a really busy point in my life, and anything creative i used to do has gone on the backburner and fried to a crisp. art that used to take me a day is being stretched out over weeks as i only have a bit of time at the end of the day to work on it, and my motivation for just about anything else has dried up completely...

i can't see this situation changing soon. art takes so much energy in my brain that even when i do have the free time, i'm too exhausted. if you see me post anything regularly in the next year or so, i think it will be a miracle.

until next time...